If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover. 好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。
The accounting process for provisioning has several subfactors of metering, logging, rating, and billing. 用于准备的帐户管理过程分为:评测、日志记录、定价和计费这样几个子过程。
The subdivision of the accounting process that produces these external reports is referred to as financial accounting. 会计过程中形成的这类对外报告的分支,称为财务会计。
The first step in the accounting process is to analyze transactions. 会计流程的第一步就是业务分析。
A Tentative Discussion on Defects in Cost Accounting Process of Petroleum Enterprises and Account Treatment 石油企业在成本核算中的缺陷及账务处理初探
Design of "Accounting Process Operation" Course Structure Based on Working Process 以工作过程为导向的《会计流程操作》课程结构设计
Establish an accounting process, and pick a year end date. 建立财务程序,选择一个财务年度结束日。
Aimed to the four forms, take some examples contrasted new and old criterions related to accounting process of debt rescheduling and tax adjustment results. 针对债务重组应遵循的四种方式,以实例对比新、旧准则对债务重组的会计处理方法及其纳税调整结果。
Improve internal control of accounting process. 改进内部控制的会计处理。
The paper deals mainly with the application of principle of materiality in the setting of accounts, selection of accounting process and disclosure of accounting information etc. 本文主要介绍重要性原则在会计账户的设置、会计处理方法的选择和会计信息的披露等方面的具体运用。
Financial reports, or accounting reports, are end product of accounting process, giving a concise report of profitability and financial position of an enterprise and they are the final products of the accounting process. 财务报表又称会计报表,是会计程序的总结性文件,是准确反映企业财务状况和盈利能力的报告。它们是会计过程的最终结果。
Traditional cost management has lots of flaws such as the absence of scientific cost accounting methods and the lag in cost accounting process. 【中英文摘要】传统的成本管理方法存在成本核算方法不科学及成本会计流程滞后的问题。
Making automated transfer entries and improving computerized accounting process; Composition of biogenic volatile organic compounds and emission from four young tree species in Shenyang 发挥自动转账功能提高会计电算化处理效率沈阳市城区幼树挥发性有机物组成及排放速率
Using the linearity recursion and F test method, the paper makes positive investigation analysis about the accounting and disclosure problems of stock option plan in listed companies and then proposes the betterment of the stock option accounting process; 采用线性回归及F检验,对我国上市公司当前股票期权及其涉及的会计处理和披露问题进行实证分析,并提出了会计处理方法的改进设想;
The calculation of long-term investment on stocks is a difficult part in accounting process, the method of which can be divided into cost method and equity method. 长期股权投资是会计核算中的难点之一,其核算方法可以分为成本法和权益法。
There are many factors restricting accounting reform, among which the most important one is the traditional accounting process. 制约着会计变革的因素很多,其中一个重要的因素就是传统会计流程。
Chapter Two introduces the actual state of accounting process of Executive Stock Options in our country. 第二章主要介绍了我国经营者股票期权的会计处理现状,提出经营者股票期权的会计处理急需规范;
At the first, this part distinguishes between the temporal method and the current rate method in accounting process. Subsequently this part evaluates two methods by the accounting theories and the economic theories. 首先对时态法与现行汇率法的会计处理进行辨析,继而从会计学理论和经济学理论两方面对时态法和现行汇率法进行评价。
This paper has discussed the function of accounting process in the management of value line. It has discussed the methods Using accounting process reengineering that draw and complete other business process reengineering. 本文探讨了会计流程在价值链管理中的作用,以及通过对会计流程重构,拉动并完成其他业务流程重构的方法。
After general description, the paper analyses the accounting process of income tax refund of subsidy. 本文在一般讨论的基础上,以补贴收入中的所得税返还的会计处理为例进行了分析。
The scientific and reasonable accounting process of stock option relate with development and criterion of stock option system directly, which will influence the incentive function. 股票期权会计处理是否科学、合理,直接关系到股票期权制度的推行和规范,影响着这一制度激励功能的发挥。
Based on the analysis of contingent items, the paper points out the accounting process principles on contingent items in further, and interprets the recognization and measurement of contingent items. 在对或有事项分析的基础上,进一步对或有事项的会计处理原则进行了阐述,并解释了或有事项的确认与计量。
The paper studies ESOs from the aspects of accounting and finance. On one hand, based on the analysis of recognition, measurement and disclosure of accounting for ESOs, the author makes several suggestions on the accounting process of executive stock options in China. 本文从会计和财务两个角度对经理人股票期权若干问题进行了研究分析,一方面在对经理人股票期权会计确认、计量和信息披露的分析基础上,提出了对经理人股票期权会计处理的一些建议;
However the current accounting process does not suit the development of the corporation. 现行的核算办法已不适应公司的发展。
The paper comprehensively designed the accounting content and purpose, accounting ledger and accounting process. 对各主体的会计核算内容与目标、会计科目设置与帐务处理程序等作了全面的设计。
Application of ERP on the enterprise accounting process also has a substantial impact and provides a powerful support to enterprise information. ERP的应用对企业的会计流程亦了产生重大影响,为企业信息化提供了强大的支持。
The topic is based on the cloud platform and the Android system, pure water production management and transportation scheduling, can be a good solution to manual counting errors and flaws that may arise in the accounting process to assist managers in program scheduling production and distribution. 本课题基于云平台和Android系统实现纯净水厂生产管理以及运输调度,可以很好的解决人工计数、记账过程中可能产生的差错和纰漏,协助管理人员有计划的调度生产和配送。
This paper has several findings. Firstly, information environment provides advantages for the real-time accounting information collection, transmission, storage and feedback and also for the application of accounting process reengineering, real-time control methods and control models. 本文认为:(1)信息化环境为会计信息的实时采集、传递、存储及反馈提供了有利条件,并为会计流程再造、实时控制方法和控制模式的应用创造了条件。
Thereinto, financial informational value chain includes financial reporting process and tax reporting process. Managerial informational value chain includes budget accounting process, cost accounting process, internal audit process and performance accounting process. 其中,财务信息价值链包括财务呈报流程和税务申报流程;管理信息价值链包括预算会计流程、成本会计流程、内部审计流程和绩效会计流程。
By introducing the environment of the fair value in our country and special significance, it has an analysis of the accounting and national insurance accounting process for our country from 2006 to 2010. 通过介绍公允价值在我国的引入环境和对于保险业的特殊意义,深入分析了我国从2006年到2010年保险会计与国际保险会计的接轨过程。